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For Better or for Worse

Updated: Mar 24, 2022

By: Chelsea Lorraine S. Parcia

Published March 24, 2022

How will the world change, for the better or the worse?

During the current lockdown we can all agree that many changes have happened these past two years. At the beginning of the pandemic we were all unprepared and that caused us a lot of loss. Loss of loved ones, savings, businesses and a lot more. After all of these events, will we create a

better beginning or an unpleasant future?

There were lots of shifts in our lives but the biggest difference is by being stuck in our homes. My home for me has become a place that makes me feel comfortable and safe that allows me to do activities that I love freely. Though I could not say that before as I simply see my house as a place where I sleep, eat with my family, wake up, go to school nine hours a day, then back to sleeping and eating. Although I am happy with my family that I get to spend more time with them, but along the way I feel like I am slowly disconnecting with my friends. As a person who I, myself consider an introvert, making new friends is harder for me, even losing one to me is a great loss.

My education certainly changed a lot since my family also decided to save more money. We decided to make all of my brothers and I to be homeschooled rather than having online school in zoom meetings. During my schooling I have learned self discipline and time management. I surprisingly enjoyed it at times. Although I have heard many students that are struggling with their syllabus and are missing assignments because of their schooling. This causes lots of students wanting face-to-face classes to resume. I honestly favor face-to-face more, going to an actual school makes me feel productive and satisfied with my studies. Studying at home always feels like I am not doing enough work and drains me of energy. I especially miss all of my school friends and want to get to know more people.

People's businesses and jobs have suffered greatly with either losing it or making less income. I hope that by now in 2022 most of them are finally able to have a sufficient income. Social media certainly has a large contribution to our daily lives, even more when all of us are stuck in our homes. Because of our current circumstances this may be the most updated and aware we are in current events occurring; including political news like the current election in the Philippines. Social media can easily spread information at the press of a button, I could be lying in my bed and search on how to make homemade bread then instantly all the steps are in my device. Or maybe meet new people just as quickly. Social media has shown to have many advantages but we also can’t forget that fake news and bad people can also have easy access to social media.

Exposure through social media has also made people desire a perfect life as they show us beautiful models in gorgeous buildings having the time of their lives. That can negatively affect us by doubting or setting up impossible standards for ourselves; even though in truth most of those perfect photos are likely edited. On a more positive note, currently, more people are posting about themselves in a non-filtered version. That carries the message that no one is perfect.

Mental health is also a concerning topic. A study conducted by The Center for Disease Control in America found that in the first arrival of the pandemic there was a 3% increase in anxiety. Symptoms of depression also increased four times compared with the previous levels. That also included an increase of alcohol consumption by 14% and drug abuse. Overall nearly 41% participants reported at least one mental health issue. Possible reasons for these statistics with the pandemic as a factor are academic pressure, family situation, isolation, financial issues, the threat of the COVID-19 disease and many more. But this is not the same case as other countries. A survey done in Scotland involving 3000 people found positive changes during this lockdown. Reasons for these results include feeling more appreciation of things usually taken for granted reported by 83% of participants, having more time to do enjoyable activities by 67%, spending more time outdoors by 65%, and spending more time with loved ones.

In the upcoming future, I would expect much more progress in our society based on our current experience of COVID-19. As one of the highest institutions in our world, hospitals are especially needed at this time. It would make sense that in incoming years health institutes would be more affordable or common. They would also be much more prepared for future outbreaks and have more knowledge about viruses based on COVID to use for further studies.

It is confirmed that while we are in lock down, nature has prospered. Deforestation rates decrease in some places, air pollution is declining even animals have started appearing. In the year 2020 in Navi Mumbai, a city in India there was a large increase of visiting flamingos; even a rhinoceros has visited the streets in Nepal. As joyous as knowing how our environment has improved during lock down, it is inevitable that our world will continue again when the virus has calmed down and cause nature harm again. Until we change it, climate change will remain a problem that we all need to face.

Social media in the future would be the most influential kind of communication as of now; you can even gain a following if you have decided on a business or be an influencer. Online selling would be one of the most successful business in being an intrapreneur, as you can easily browse items while being safe indoors. Online tutors or teachers will become more common as people start to gain interest to learn new things. Public areas such as restaurants, parks, work areas, schools, etc. would have a much more strict policy about trash, overall places being more clean. Our education system might also be more freeing, as there has been many debates, if students would have to do written tests or home assignments. Educational videos can also become easily accessible, as there are a growing number of people that are knowledgeable in specific subjects that are uploading their own, whether it is about medicine, art, business, and many more.

All in all, I would say that we can be hopeful in our future to be bright. Although there will always be obstacles ahead, as long as we obey accordingly we can all manage to overcome this pandemic. To finally set a new beginning.

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